Adam Landsberg
Professor of Physics
W.M. Keck Science Department
Claremont McKenna College, Pitzer College, and Scripps College
Email: [email protected]
Office: Keck Science Center 112
Phone: 909-607-8016
My research interests: My research as a physicist centers on mathematical/computational modeling of complex systems, and spans a wide range of scientific fields and phenomena both inside and outside of physics. Some examples include (not in any particular order):
- opinion-dynamics models, describing how ideas spread across a society
- network theory, with applications to human brains, demographics, etc.
- economic and queuing systems
- nonlinear dynamical systems, chaos, and bifurcation theory
- pattern formation and symmetries, with applications to fluid convection and stars
- combinatorial games
- synchronization in Josephson junction arrays (a type of superconducting device)
- applications of renormalization
Some biographical information: I earned my A.B. in physics from Princeton University (thesis adviser Val Fitch). I then went to U.C. Berkeley for my doctoral studies, where I earned my PhD (again in physics) under the direction of dissertation adviser Edgar Knobloch. This was followed by a 2-year postdoctoral research fellowship at GeorgiaTech with Kurt Wiesenfeld. My love of undergraduate, liberal-arts-college teaching and research was subsequently fostered at Haverford College, where I began working as a Visiting Assistant Professor. The bulk of my scientific career (apart from a few short-term sabbatical-related research stints at Cornell University and U.C. Berkeley) has been spent at the W.M. Keck Science Department of Claremont McKenna College, Pitzer College, and Scripps College, where I currently serve as Professor of Physics.
Publications (* denotes student co-author)
“An Assimilation Anomaly: Averaging-induced reversal of overall opinion in two interacting societies.” Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (2023, accepted). (joint work with Jacob B. Landsberg).
“Winning strategies: the emergence of base 2 in the game of nim.” The Mathematical Gazette 566, vol. 106, pp. 212-219, July 2022. (joint work with Eric J. Friedman).
“Cultural Dissemination: An Agent-Based Model with Social Influence.” Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 24 (4) 5 , 2021. (joint work with Ngan Nguyen*, Hongfei Chen*, Benjamin Jin*, Walker Quinn*, Conrad Tyler*)
“Transitioning Out of the Coronavirus Lockdown: A Framework for Evaluating Zone-Based Social Distancing.” Frontiers in Public Health, (2020), (joint work with Eric Friedman, John Friedman, Simon Johnson)
“Modeling Cultural Dissemination and Divergence Between Rural and Urban Regions.” Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation vol. 23, Issue 4. (2020), (with Nicholas LaBerge*, Aria Chaderjian*, Victor Ginelli*, Margrethe Jebsen*)
“Geometric Analysis of a Generalized Wythoff Game.” (2019) in Games of No Chance 5 (MSRI series 70), Cambridge University Press. (with Eric J. Friedman, *Scott M. Garrabrant, *Ilona K. Phipps-Morgan, and Urban Larsson)
“Duality and Nonlinear Graph Laplacians”. Theoretical Computer Science 713, pp. 21–30, (2018) (with Eric J. Friedman)2
“Edge Correlations in Spatial Networks.” Journal of Complex Networks. doi: 10.1093/comnet/cnv015: (2015) (with E. Friedman, J. Owen, W. Hsieh, L. Kam, P. Mukherjee)
“Directed Network Motifs in Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment.” PLoS One. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124453. (2015) (with E. Friedman, K. Young, G. Tremper, J. Liang, N. Schuff)
“Directed Progression Brain Networks in Alzheimer’s Disease: Properties and Classification.” Brain Connectivity 4(5), 384-393. (2014) (with E Friedman, K Young, D Asif, I Jutla,, M Liang, S Wilson, N Schuff).
“Stochastic Geometric Network Models for Groups of Functional and Structural Connectomes.” NeuroImage 101: (2014). (with E. Friedman, J. Owen, Y. Li, P. Mukherjee)
“Hierarchical networks, power laws, and neuronal avalanches,” CHAOS 23 (1): 013135 (2013). (with E.J. Friedman)
“Cofinite Induced Subgraphs of Impartial Combinatorial Games: An Analysis of CIS-Nim,” INTEGERS vol. 13, (2013). (with Scott M. Garrabrant* and Eric J. Friedman)
Rebecca E. Morrison*, Eric J. Friedman, and Adam S. Landsberg, “Combinatorial games with a pass: A dynamical systems approach,” CHAOS 21, 043108 (2011)
Eric J. Friedman and Adam S. Landsberg, “Construction and Analysis of Random Networks with Explosive Percolation,” Physical Review Letters 103, 255701 (2009)
A.S. Landsberg, Letter to the Editors, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 31 (2) (2009)
K.L. Purvis-Roberts, G. Edwalds-Gilbert,A.S. Landsberg,N. Copp, L. Ulsh,D.E. Drew “Accelerated Integrated Science Sequence (AISS),” Journal of Chemical Education, 86, 1295(2009)
M. Furi, A.S. Landsberg AS, and M. Martelli, “On the Longitudinal Librations of Hyperion,”Journal of Fixed Point Theory and its Applications (1661-7738 (Print) 1661-7746 (Online)), (2009).
E.J. Friedman and A.S. Landsberg, “On the Geometry of Combinatorial Games: a Renormalization Approach” in Games of No Chance 3 (MSRI series), M.H. Albert and R.J. Nowakowski, Eds., Cambridge University Press (2009).
E.J. Friedman and A.S. Landsberg, “Nonlinear dynamics in combinatorial games: Renormalizing Chomp,” CHAOS 17, 023117 (2007).
E.J. Friedman and A.S. Landsberg, “Scaling, Renormalization, and Universality in Combinatorial Games,” in Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, A. Dress et al., Ed. Springer-Verlag (2007). [Acceptance rate: 29 out of 114 submissions]
M. Furi, A.S. Landsberg, and M. Martelli, “On the chaotic behavior of the satellite hyperion,” J. of Difference Eqns. and Applications 11 (7): 635-643 (2005).
R. Gann*, J. Venable*, E.J. Friedman, and A.S. Landsberg, “The Behavior of Coupled Automata,” Physical Review E 69, 046116 (2004).
E.J. Friedman, S. Johnson and A.S. Landsberg, “The Emergence of Temporal Correlations in a Study of Global Economic Interdependence,” Quantitative Finance 3, 296 (2003).
A. Roomets* and A.S. Landsberg, “Neutral Stability in Josephson Junction Arrays with Arbitrary Lattice Geometry,” Physics Letters A 283: (5-6), 355-359 (2001).
E.J. Friedman and A.S. Landsberg, “Large-Scale Synchrony in Weakly Interacting Automata,” Physical Review E 63, 051303 (2001).
M. Crescimanno and A.S. Landsberg, “Spectral Equivalence of Bosons and Fermions in One-Dimensional Harmonic Potentials,” Physical Review A 63, 35601 (2001).
A.S. Landsberg, “Disorder-induced Desynchronization in a 2×2 Circular Josephson Junction Array,” Physical Review B 61 (5) 3641-3648 (2000).
E. Knobloch, A.S. Landsberg, and J. Moehlis, “Chaotic Direction-Reversing Waves,”
Physics Letters A 255: (4-6) 287-293, May 17(1999).
K. Wiesenfeld, A.S. Landsberg, and G. Fillatrella, “Linewidth Calculation for Bare 2-D Josephson Junction Arrays with Disorder,” Physics Letters A 233 373 (1997).
A.S. Landsberg and E.J. Friedman, “Dynamical Effects of Partial Orderings in Physical Systems,” Physical Review E 54 (4) 3135 (1996).
A.S. Landsberg and E. Knobloch, “Oscillatory Doubly Diffusive Convection in a Finite Container,” Physical Review E 53 (4) 3601 (1996).
A.S. Landsberg and E. Knobloch, “Oscillatory Bifurcation with Broken Translation Symmetry,” Physical Review E 53 (4) 3579 (1996).
E. Knobloch and A.S. Landsberg, “A New Model of the Solar Cycle,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 278, 294 (1996).
E.J. Friedman and A.S. Landsberg, “Long Run Dynamics of Queues: Stability and Chaos,” Operations Research Letters 18 (4) 185 (1996).
A.S. Landsberg, Y.Braiman, and K. Wiesenfeld, “Disorder and Synchronization in a Josephson Junction Plaquette,” Applied Physics Letters 67 (13) 1935 (1995).
A.S. Landsberg, Y. Braiman, and K. Wiesenfeld, “Effect of Disorder on Synchronization in Prototype 2-D Josephson Arrays,” Physical Review B 52 (21) 15458 (1995).
E.J. Friedman and A.S. Landsberg, “Short Run Dynamics of Multi-Class Queues,”
Operations Research Letters, 14 221 (1993).
A.S. Landsberg and E. Knobloch, “New Types of Waves in Systems with O(2) Symmetry,” Physics Letters A 179, 316 (1993).
A.S. Landsberg, “Spatial Symmetries and Geometrical Phases in Classical Dissipative Systems,” Modern Physics Letters B 7(2), 71 (1993).
A.S. Landsberg, “Geometrical Phases and Symmetries in Dissipative Systems,”
Physical Review Letters 69(6), 865 (1992).
A.S. Landsberg and E. Knobloch, “Direction-Reversing Traveling Waves,”
Physics Letters A 159, 17 (1991).