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Anthony Fucaloro

George C.S. Benson Professor of Public Affairs
Professor of Chemistry

Email: [email protected]
Office: Keck Science Center 115
Phone: 909-607-1273

Educational Background

B.S., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
Ph.D., University of Arizona

Research Interests

  • Molecular Spectroscopy
  • Solution Thermodynamics
  • Electron Impact Studies
  • Public policy (environmental and arms policy)

Selected Publications

  1. Fucaloro, A., Zanella, A., Widjaja, S., Widjaja, J. (2005). Partial Molar Volumes and Refractions of Cobalt(III) Complexes, Part 1: Homologous Series of Hexaaminecobalt(III) Complexes. J. Solution Chemistry.
  2. Fucaloro, A., Pinnell, R., Zanella, A., Conrad, K., Pu, Y. (2005). Partial Molar Volumes and Refractions of Cobalt(III) Complexes, Part 2: Homologous Series of Nitrilopentaamminecobalt(III) Complexes. J. Solution Chemistry.
  3. Fucaloro, A.F. (2002). Reporting Molar Refractions. Fucaloro, A.F.  31: 601.
  4. Fucaloro, A.F. (2002). Partial Molar Volumes from Refractive Index Measurements. J. Chem. Ed.  79: 865.
  5. Srivastava, S.K, Krishnakumar, E., Van Note, T., Fucaloro, A.F. (1996). Cross Sections for the Production of Cations by Electron Impact on Methonal. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets  101: 26, 155.
  6. Fucaloro A.F. & S.K. Srivastava. (1993). On the Cross Section and Dissociative Channels for the Production of Positive Ion Fragments by Electron Impact on Benzene. J. Brazilian Chem. Soc. 4: 7.
  7. Fucaloro, A.F., Abbatt, J.P.D., Byer, K.D., McMahon, J.R., Wooldridge, P.J., Zhang, R., and Molina, M.J. (1992). Interaction of HCl Vapor by Water Ice: Implications for the Stratosphere. J. Geophysical Research  97: 819.
  8. Timmer, C.S., S.K., Srivastava, T. Hall & A.F. Fucaloro. (1991). Enhanced Line Emission from Laser Produced Plasmas. J. Appl. Phys. 70: 1988.
  9. Forster, L.S., D. Murrow & A.F. Fucaloro. (1990). Thermally Induced 2E Decay Pathways in Cr(III) Complexes. Inorg. Chem. 29: 3906.
  10.  Fucaloro, A.F. & L.S. Forster. (1987). Effect of Environmental Rigidity on Nonradiative Rates in Chromium(III) Amines. Inorganica Chimica Acta  132: 253.
  11. Fucaloro, A.F. & C.R. Feldmeth. (1986). An Examination of Certain Environmental Risk Hazards of the Proposed Irwindale Incinerator. Home Savings of America :
  12. Fucaloro, A.F. (1986). Some Characteristics of Approximate Wave Functions. J. Chem. 63:
    Article: URL not found
  13. Fucaloro, A.F., L.S. Forster, S.G. Glover & A.D. Kirk. (1985). Solvent Influence on Emitting States in Quadrate Chromium(III) Complexes. Inorg. Chem. 24: 4242.
  14. Fucaloro, A.F. & L.S. Forster. (1985). Conformational Fluctuations in α-Chymotrypsinogen A Powders. Photochemistry and Photobiol. 41: 91.
  15. Fucaloro, A.F. (1984). Viscosity Measurements of Modified Polyethylene Solutions: Research Report III. ITW Environmental and Economic Update.
  16. Forster, L.S., J.V. Rund & A.F. Fucaloro. (1984). The Luminescence of Quadrate Chromium(III) Amine Complexes: 2. Non Radiative Excited State Relaxation Rates. J. Phys. Chem. 88: 5017.
  17. Forster, L.S., J.V. Rund & A.F. Fucaloro. (1984). The Luminescence of Quadrate Chromium(III) Amine Complexes: l. Emitting State Assignment. J. Phys. Chem. 88, 5012 (l984) 88: 5012.
  18. Fucaloro, A.F. & L.S. Forster. (1984). Fluorescence Quenching of Indole by Inefficient Quenchers. Photochem. Photobiol. 39: 503.
  19. Fucaloro, A.F. (1983). Solar Degradation of Modified Polyethylene: Research Report I. ITW Environmental and Economic Update.
  20. Fucaloro, A.F. (1983). Stretch-Strain Measurements of Modified Polyethylene Exposed to Sunlight: Research Report II. ITW Environmental and Economic Update.
  21. Browett, W.R., A.F. Fucaloro, T.V. Morgan & P.J. Stephens. (1983). Magnetic Circular Dichroism of Zero Field Splitting in Chloro meso Tetraphenylporphinato Iron (III). J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 105: 1868.
  22. Fucaloro, A.F., L.S. Forster & J.V. Rund. (1983). 2E Relaxation in Mixed Ligand Cr(NH3)6 nXn Complexes. J. Phys, Chem. 87: 1796.
  23. Zanella, A.W. & A. F. Fucaloro . (1980). Linkage Isomerization of [Co(NH3)5ONO]2+ in Poly(vinly alcohol). Inorg. Nucl. Chem Letts. 16: 515.
  24. Fucaloro, A.F. (1978). Book: Burgess Pub. Co., Minneapolis.
  25. Zamvil, S., R. Pludow & A.F. Fucaloro. (1978). A Simple Method for Measuring Crystal Densities. J. Appl. Cryst. 11: 163.
  26. Fucaloro, A.F., C. Billington & M. Varnavas. (1978). Relating Partial Molar Volumes to Molar Refractivities. J. Chem. Ed. 55: 793.
  27. Yu, M.W., C.J. Fritchie, A.F. Fucaloro & B.G. Anex (1976), Polarization Characteristics of Flavin Spectra: Specular Reflectivity of Bis (10 methylisoalloxazine) Copper (II) Perchlorate Tetrahydrate. J. Amer, Chem. Soc. 98: 6496.
  28. Anex, Basil G., Anthony F. Fucaloro & A. Dutta Ahmed. (1975). Single Crystal Quartz Ultraviolet Spectra of Thymine Anhydrate: Further Evidence for the Degeneracy of the 260 mμ Band of the Uracils. J. Phys. Chem. 79: 2636.
  29. Brown, Joe N., Louis M. Trefonas, Anthony F. Fucaloro, & Basil G. Anex. (1974). On the Degeneracy of the 260 mμ Band of The Uracils. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 96: 1597.
  30. Fucaloro, A.F. & Leslie S. Forster. (1974). A Technique for Determining Relative Transition Moments from Stretched Film Spectra. Spectrochimica Acta 30A: 883.
  31. Anex, Basil G., S.I. Forster, & Anthony F. Fucaloro. (1973). Spectroscopic Evidence for a Delocalized Excited State in the Magnus’ Salts. Chem. Phys. Lett. 18: 126.
  32. Fucaloro, A.F. & Leslie S. Forster. (1971). Stretched Film Spectra and Transition Moments of Nucleic Acid Bases. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 93: 6443.